From My Clients

Words From Tony

I don't work well with coaching models that stipulate the coach only ask questions. I don't believe I have all the answers or that only my answers can be the right ones. I'm happy to listen to others' views and take direct challenge. There are no right or wrong answers. There are simply choices to be made between options.

I also find interactions based on a constant flow of questions followed by answers to be sterile. This type of coaching lacks connection at a deeply human level. There is no dialogue.

Dialogue is the basis of Mariana's coaching contract. I say coaching, but actually want to use another word that includes coaching, mentoring, challenge, exploration and friendship. Somehow 'coaching' doesn't do it justice. It feels more like a conversation with a close friend that always results in insights, new places to explore and, critically, glimpses of my dark side.

This focus on the dark side is, I believe, an indication of a maturing personal practice. It isn't for everyone, but it is the flip side of the coin that needs to be explored to help create a balanced perspective.

Mariana's breadth and depth of knowledge and experience is evident from the off. She shares this freely, but not unnecessarily. During our conversations I am challenged, questioned, given space to speak freely, given permission to challenge back and comfortable to have a laugh and enjoy the experience. I am always inspired, energised and able to think more clearly following our conversations.

As I've already said, 'coach' doesn't do it justice.