We are on a mission from Open at #oer14
Experimenting with a new toy by John Johnston:
We are designing a new #DS106 Assignment and wanted to experiment with the tool. Here was the brief we discussed on the twitter:
Play the PechaGif once only and record video
Think of a topic for a presentation
Record and audio track of the ‘presentation’
Use the animated gifs you recorded as your slides to talk from!
Have fun!
The worst part of it is that I have been plagues with techno glitches today. It has taken forever to get the video on YT. I tried to upload to Tumblr and failed. I recorded the voiceover and it did not record. Blah!
All that said it should not take long to do.
I set the delay in PechaGif to 5 seconds. Promised myself I would use the first take – no cheating. Used Quicktime Player to capture video. Imported to iMovie. Created the voiceover as an improvisation exercise – the idea was think of a topic and wing it using the animated gifs that appeared as your slides. Todd Conway made an awesome example. John Johnston kicked us off with this example, where he used the tool to explain the tool! Get him all meta meta 🙂
Awesome tool to engage our creative improvisational brain!
“Wake up! Use Pechagif the best tool there is for a DS106 assignment” says John. Thank you for making it, John. I do not think it is silly at all.
Those of us who understand the psychology of creativity know that the type of exercise this tool forces on us is a desirable difficulty if we want to keep our creative muscles toned. Improvisation is not joke, says CNN.
“The best ideas…” (Hint: let it load.)
If in watching this lovely gif, you wonder how to teach your crowded mind to take time to get ideas or just be still then you could do worse than my curated page on Scoop it on Lived time.
A postcard from space! You can see the interactive version here and thank your Anna Cow for the inspiration.
I did edit the photo in Photoshop – just cropped to taste and got rid of a few colours and a little dither.
Credit photo to NASA Ames Research Center
Train your attention now
No time to lose
when things fall apart.
In this very life,
Wise up.
I decided to comply and do yesterday’s daily create properly this morning. In reviewing several spine poems I noticed I was attracted to short ones ( i.e. those that had fewer books) and I noticed one in particular that lined up the titles of the books as if it were the written word. I liked that. I worked quite a long time with the composition of the photo and when I opened it in Photoshop, there was nothing I wanted to edit. Result.
“Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope.
Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith.
Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we must be saved by love.
No virtuous act is quite as virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as it is from our standpoint. Therefore we must be saved by the final form of love which is forgiveness.”
A Beautiful quote from a philosopher I agree and disagree with…. (just as he would have wanted).
(via ifieldnotes)
Every Sunday at 8.00 UK time ( check here for your local time)
The DS106 Good Spell in 106 Bullets – John Johnston and Mariana Funes talking DS106 learning, community and creativity.
On DS106 Radio: http://ds106rad.io/listen/
On creative obsession and how it is good for our art. But also a strategy to make beautiful art. Inspiring.
So the nag was on! And yes, I will do anything to stop that video being played again 🙂
So here is my story of open in the shape of an iMovie Trailer and if you would like to hear the back story then knock yourself out. I made a special podcast ‘The DS106 Shrink Story of open’ where you can hear the details. But the trailer above may be all you need.
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