DS106 on the couch

Month: June 2014 (page 1 of 2)

Newspaper Poetry

I should be getting ready to leave the house, but saw today DS106 daily create and could not resist. Also, it was submitted by Anna Cow who is an awesome DS106 open participant – who make moo art!

This one is just for you, Anny! 

Why could I not resist? This type of activity harks back to the many surrealist games I use in my laughter therapy workshops. I love them. 


So what did I do? Just as instructed with a little extra. I followed the steps in the daily create with the first newspaper that popped out of my basket.


Photo cc0 by George Hodan

Carefully cut, mix up words, take them out one at a time and voila! your poem. The little extra? I put them into recite this and tried to make senseless words make sense without altering the order. Only in DS106. Does you MOOC do that?

I needed something to do today to remind me of the importance of making time for those we care about and for what we are passionate about. Words and people are right up there for me, with a few animated gifs thrown in perhaps. But now those are the work of gifadog.

Here is the daily create for today:


Now over to you, Anny. I what ways does this resemble the DS106 shrink?

Newspaper Poetry

I should be getting ready to leave the house, but saw today DS106 daily create and could not resist….

How? Why? What? “once upon a time I found a pair of shoes hanging from the telephone wires….” I love this! Go visit his archive please: http://hateplow.tumblr.com/archive

How? Why? What? “once upon a time I found a pair of shoes…

How? Why? What? “once upon a time I found a pair of shoes hanging from the telephone wires….” I love this! Go visit his archive please: http://hateplow.tumblr.com/archive

How do I feel when I think? 

Public domain footage edited in ScreenFlow music CC by FJGI from Jamendo.com 

How do I feel when I think?  Public domain footage edited in…

How do I feel when I think? 

Public domain footage edited in ScreenFlow music CC by FJGI from Jamendo.com 

A day at the movies for #Thoughtvectors

I have started to pull together some videos on YT that have connected for me with the spirit of this course starting on Monday June 9th at VCU:

UNIV 200: Inquiry and the Craft of Argument

In the next few weeks the DS106 Shrink will be Visiting Shrink on this course as I am fascinated by the ideas explored so far, and find these are aligned to my own practice as an educator. And there are lots of really interesting people coming together to send varied thought vectors into concept space. Heck, it already sounds like a Dr Who episode!

I will keep adding to the playlist. If you have any questions about why I picked the videos or comments about them – just leave a comment. 

Happy travelling in concept space!

A day at the movies for #Thoughtvectors

I have started to pull together some videos on YT that have connected for me with the spirit of…

A visit to the monastery and much wisdom to be grateful for is found. An offering.

► Play Zeega ►

by mdvfunes

A visit to the monastery and much wisdom to be grateful for is…

A visit to the monastery and much wisdom to be grateful for is found. An offering.

► Play Zeega ►

by mdvfunes


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