DS106 on the couch

Month: June 2015

The Village Shrink in the news already?

Village here we come!

Over the next few weeks I will be on a special mission at Prisoner 106 Village. I have been hired as the Village Shrink to work at the hospital there. In order for you to follow some of the wild posts that may be coming you will need to be familiar with The Prisoner TV series. If this is not your thing, then I suggest you ignore all the posts coming up when you see the #prisoner106 tag. If this is your thing, my employers have provided a some handy information that has enabled me to create a page that will have all my work for the Village Committee

I also have an assignment at the Bovine Village Fairy Tale Festival where I have been asked to support the Burgeron Family as they create tales of wonder from all over the world for the festival. I will be helping the matriarch of the family NanaLou to tidy up the family home to get ready for the festival – she is also concerned about the mental health of some in the family and so my shrink talents will be needed as well as my WordPress coding non-talents. I will be posting about this assignment under the tag #burgeron106. 


Well, my new avatar is a requirement from the Prisoner 106 Village. Have you got your Jim Groom’s yet? This is a challenging assignment requiring me to ‘ease’ village visitors into the ways of our village. I will be using the Blue Dispenser technique to ensure everyone is fully cooperative in the Village. You can see one of the residents drinking from the Blue Dispenser in the photo of me at work. Nothing to be afraid of. 


I just popped into the office to get my registration card. I think the Jim Groom’s make the photo. Don’t you?

Well, I have been told by the committee that once I resigned I need to produce…I spent the afternoon trying to turn this animated gif into my Twitter avatar for the start of DS106 Themed The prisoner. All the workarounds I tried failed. APIs that promised to do it did not, brute force ( just change the extension and upload) did not work. I am swimming like the blazes to get away from the village, production here is hard. Where is the beach? And what does the new Photoshop mean with Save For Web (Legacy)? All the other new options don’t seem to have preview or allow me to play with colours. WE WANT INFORMATION! Update: if this Save for Web glitch matters to you. Complain!

Gearing up for a busy summer of DS106 I decided to turn today’s daily create into my first proper assignment. It is called Splash the colour and I had a little help from the lovely Jack Hylan to get it done. He made a tutorial to make it easy and enjoyable. 

The prompt for the daily create asked us ‘see beyond the buildings’. I looked out of my office window to see the beautiful roses outside. I wondered if I could take a photo from the inside that would show the window (building) and focus on what was beyond it (the flower). I did that. 

Then I wondered if I could make one of those photos where everything is black and white and only a splash of colour. I used to have a cheap camera that did that automatically, I still miss that camera. 

Then I remembered Jack and his towel. All I did was follow his tutorial exactly and then add my tacky pink frame, I could not help it. I wanted the pink to highlight the roses. 

Well, that is me dusting the blog up for this DS106 summer!

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