DS106 on the couch

Tag: photoshop (page 3 of 4)

I am not feeling like work today, so I made time for the daily create. Spent a long time looking for images and was shocked at how many sites are charging big bucks for images that are as old as time. And they site I did use to find this lovely poster to edit ‘cannot guarantee this is a public domain poster’. As it is a 1942 poster, I will took a wild risk and used it. We really need to sort out copyright law people. I also reflected on how I struggle to do ‘easy’. I thought the poster looked just right with minimal changes. The Daily Create today asked us to do a poster to elect a class president. I decided the only president should be DS106 #4life. So there we have it. A few layers and blending in Photoshop and it was cooked.

Paul Miller disconnected from the Internet for a year. At the end of that year, this is how he says he felt. Discuss.

Animated Gif by gifadog from original film footage by In Limbo TV.  See better version on Gfycat 

Relaxing with a daily create gif tonight. Tried Todd’s quaint way and I like it! 

My first creative edit for #noir106. It is tough to work in black and white! Original poster by Jessica Parker, new DS106 logo by Martha Burtis, I think. And adorable puppy is Eric. Tried mixing Metropolis and Typewriter fonts to see how they blended. Enough. 

This one was too hard for gifadog!

It needed cutting up and glueing and his little paws can only use a mouse so far, so the Shrink had to step in and help. I am pretty proud of this one, it feels like (dare I say it?) I actually made some art, damn it!

Gifadog and I are trying to learn how to restore old classic cartoons. 

It is hard! I asked the Interwebz for help and bionicteaching helped with a Photoshop Tutorial and advise that it is slow work. It seems that my dream to find a way to clean up a whole video is now about learning to clean video frame by frame. stefaniesophie suggested learning painting technique. As I understand this, it is to learn the nature and type of different types of painting to enable you to restore old frames accurately. 

So I turned to the animated gif for help. I took an original classic cartoon from the public domain, edited in a movie editor to get only the scenes that I wanted to improve and then started to make animated gifs of the frames and clean them up.

There are an incredible number of parameters that can be adjusted in post processing with Photoshop and Premiere Pro. I have little idea of where to start. Above are our early attempts. I must admit to feeling a little like the proverbial dog with too many balls. 

Time passes 

Animated Gif by The DS106 Shrink for Gif it Up

Source image from the Museum of New Zealand 

Well, who would not be inspired seeing little Merlin’s photos? Using the colour sampler tool in Photoshop still evades my grasp, but did you know that there is such a thing as a Star Wars Font Generator ? That pesky green font was a worthy adversary, but I got it!

Please go to Flickr to check permissions. One of Merlin’s photo appears by special permission from Ingrid. Thank you, Ingrid.

Creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by mdvfunes: http://flickr.com/photos/97994829@N03/14400081830

creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by mdvfunes: http://flickr.com/photos/97994829@N03/14400073848

creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by mdvfunes: http://flickr.com/photos/97994829@N03/14577774764

The week in doggies! All thanks to a conversation on Twitter. An emergent DS106 assignment ‘Remix (in a dog appropriate manner) a Bond movie title and create a poster’. I learnt more about Photoshop from trying to do a good job of these ‘silly posters’ than I have in a long time. 

Starring: Daphne as Miss Doggy Galore, Gifadog as Colin Bond, Spike as E. Cowfield, Abby as the Digital Diva and Chewy as the werewolf puppy

‘Children and Daphne’ by Jim Groom ‘Bones are forever’ by Viv Rolfe ‘Reeborn’ and ‘Cop Pup’ by Ron L the other posters by the DS106 Shrink.

Yes, I know the last 2 do not fit the Bond theme. The translation machine (me!) from Twitter to Google Plus was faulty and the assignment got re-interpreted there but Chewy is too cute not to include here. 

Who knows what else might get remixed. May be we can start #posterfight to complement #giffight ?

What fun to delete my least favourite Bond from the poster!

More Photoshop practice – I can’t stop now! Thanks to @cogdog for the film title and @gifadog for posing so beautifully.

Yes, I will blog my process if anyone wants me to. Just ask. It was long and involved lots of layers as usual.

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