My first Audioblog for DS106. Getting ready for Audio week, I do my first assignment for week 3:

“What do you associate with the word storytelling? Before you do anything this week, use this as an opportunity to put down in words what your current concept is! Here it is, random thoughts and reflections on the question.”

I forgot to include this on my video – but wanted to add it here as I think it is such a simple and yet beautiful example of what appeals to me about kinetic typography. 

At the 15 minute point I clicked on the wrong screen. Here is the link, I am talking about but not showing at that point. 

And here are the few words I wrote to express what story means to me:

What is digital storytelling?

The dog running after that pheasant

Vivirla para contarla – a life lived to be told

A doll emerging from imagination and becoming our mascot

Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn

And yet I do

The feeling when somebody says ‘let me tell you a story’

Snuggling up to hear the story

Afraid to tell them in case the magic breaks

Afraid to be seen, afraid to connect

Using the fear to be present with another

So what is story?

Emotional connection

A gift of imagination

A moment caught and shared 

And when digitally imprinted a moment that could exist forever

But if not co-created in the moment, is it a story?

Without a shared context, is it a story?

May be all it needs are humans willing to show up and take the risk to live life and tell about it…