Well, it is not new. It is the type of thing that first got me interested in digital stories: Stick people animations generally and the stick man fighting the computer in some way

My example is a classic I first saw many years ago – I have not had a chance to research its origin. I have added it  into the shared genre document for DS106. A trip down memory lane. Update: I asked some question on Google Plus and hat tip to Kevin Hodgson who found me the original video. I can ow report that the author is Alan Becker and that he has other animation on the same theme and more on his own site. You can also read the story and how the video has had millions of viewing worldwide. Alan has even made a set of tutorials to help us learn how to make the animations and I have put them on my list of extra DS106 jobs to do after Headless 13 finishes. 

My justification for this as a unique genre? I used a quantity criterion, there are many of these in You Tube and all you need to do is search for ‘stick animation’. If you make it more specific ‘stykz animation’ then you get stuff generated with Stykz software. I like the simplicity and the creativity that emerges from the constraint of the medium.