A #DS106 Dog walk trying out my digital Lomography camera – my cheap plastic lens camera! 

Here is all I know about Lomography apart from I like the images I have seen associated with it.

Lomography, lomo or lomographs are photos that are taken on a whim – ignoring all the recommended techniques normally associated with photography. Lomography will fit in around your life and not control it, lomography can be described as the opposite of professional photography. 

Trust me to find something that is the opposite of something! I am interested in the analogue version and wanted to buy an Holga and start fiddling with film too. I was unsure if it would be just another gadget for the ‘forgotten gadget cabinet’ so I wondered: There must be a digital Lomography Camera. Boom!

Digital Lomo – Dont Think – Just Shoot and the site recommends certain cameras for this purpose.

I got one, it is simple simple to use and I am not sure how it differs from any other cheap camera I might have bought, but I am having a bit of fun taking strange looking photos. It looks like it will do burst and short video – already thinking about fast cut abstract giffing.

I will be learning and exploring in the next few weeks. It looks like Digital Lomography is the opposite of Lomography – those in the know only shoot analogue. Yet it also looks like Photoshop can give me Lomo-like photos. If Lomography is the opposite of  Professional Photography, and digital Lomography is the opposite of Lomography, then does that mean that I am right back to being a professional? Whatever the label – I am fascinated by a culture and community that encourages rule-breaking to create.

I cannot join it though until I jump in and buy my Holga Starter Kit at Amazon. Digital Lomography Photographers seem not to be ‘a thing’ on the Internet that I can find. So if I keep to the 10 rules with my digi-lomo camera then I may even get the one I have been wanting for years. Take the plunge into the past and real 35mm film. I cannot wait. Check it out: